This page details all possible errors our Submission API might return when you submit a form with the Accept: application/json header via JavaScript or your backend system. These errors typically indicate an issue with the form submission implementation or input provided by the end-user. Each error currently responds with a status code 400 Bad Request, assisting you in pinpointing and resolving the problem efficiently.

Error TypeError Message
NOT_FOUNDThere is no form with the provided ID.
UNPROCESSABLEWe couldn’t process your form data, please check your implementation. If you’re not sure where the problem is, contact us at We’ll be happy to assist you!
FILE_TOO_LARGEYour file <FILENAME> exceeds the maximum size 16MB.
COULD_NOT_SAVEWe couldn’t save your file <FILENAME>.
NO_CONTENTThere is no content in the submission.
SECURITY_HONEYPOTPlease do not fill in the field that is marked in the form and used to filter out robots..
SECURITY_TIMETRAPThe timetrap security didn’t pass.
SECURITY_CAPTCHAPlease, prove that you’re a human being. We can’t process your form without that.
BLOCKED_LANGUAGE_DETECTEDThe language you’ve written the data in is blocked.
BLOCKED_LOCATION_DETECTEDThe country you’ve submitted the form from is blocked.
DISPOSABLE_EMAILThe email you provided appears to be a disposable email which we cannot accept. Please, use your real email address instead.