The JSON export option in Comfyform allows you to extract form submission data in a structured, easily parsable format. This export format is particularly beneficial for developers looking to automate data handling within web applications or for those requiring a structured dataset for advanced analytics and processing.
Please note that this page, along with the exporting features described, is subject to future changes. As we continuously work to improve and expand our exporting capabilities, certain aspects of the functionality and format may evolve over time. Stay updated with us for the latest advancements.
What’s Included in the Export
A JSON export includes a comprehensive array of data for each submission, formatted as a list of objects. Each object represents a submission and encapsulates details such as submission ID, form ID, timestamp, submitter IP, country code, input fields with their respective responses, and file inputs with links to the uploaded files.
Example of a JSON Export
Will be added here later.